Monday, February 27, 2023

Outdoor learning is a whole new unique experience. It helps your child learn about how to use their skills in the outside world while also having fun and developing their knowledge. Here are 5 outdoor activities you could try with your child come rain or shine.

1. Treasure Hunt
To solve problems in quick succession you could set up a big treasure hunt. There’s a lot to learn from putting trinkets in all kinds of places, or putting chocolate and sweets out to be hidden. The more your child runs around to try and find these little pieces of treasure the more likely they are to build their decision making and critical thinking skills.

2. Gardening
It may seem like something children wouldn’t get into, but gardening is a good activity to try out with your child. When picking out plants together you can let them pick out what could look good, or what they gravitate towards. Then, when your child is ready, get them to place the seeds into the soil and see their progress each week.

3. Cycling
Physical activities are just as important to children as solving mind games and puzzles. A child will find a lot of benefits to physical activities, and teaching your child to ride a bike is a really good incentive. Many kids want to learn to cycle, and heading out on your bikes together is a good way of seeing the world and discovering something new.

4. Unstructured outdoor play
When playtime doesn’t have a plan it makes things a lot easier for children to decide on. Outdoor play time can include using bubble machines, playing catch, water play with a paddling pool or hide and seek.

5. Making flags with plants
Trees, leaves, plants and flowers can all be used in making flags you could stick up around your child’s playhouse or in a vase on the windowsill. Ask your child to pick up all the discarded parts from plants that they find and make some little pieces they could stick together.

Moral values are a big part of what your child will use to define who they are and what they stand for. It’s a great place to show your child how they are going to improve their skills and what they will gain from understanding their importance in society.

From being respectful to expressing honesty and support of other people, there are many great values you should be teaching your child.

Being respectful means that you can show your child what it means to listen to another person’s opinion and offer support to others. There’s a good place for children to build their skills in understanding who they appreciate and how they can talk to others in a kind way. You should role model respect in front of your child often, to teach them what is involved in being respectful.

Spreading lies not only makes you unreliable in the future, but can cause rifts between friends and family. You should teach your child how to tell the truth and stick to it when it really matters. As well as this, teaching your child about the consequences of not being honest will show them what can possibly happen.

Being kind aids your child in knowing how to support others and expressing ways that make others happy. A kind child is going to pick up a lot more skills and advice in comparison to a child that isn’t as keen to support others or go out of their way to help. This is a key tactic in giving your child a better understanding of how to communicate well with all kinds of people.

In a similar vein to kindness, compassion teaches children how they can provide their own support to another. People of all ages can get upset over lots of different reasons, and that is why your child can gain a lot of knowledge through being compassionate towards others.

Being inclined to develop a child’s academic skill set will give your child plenty of learning opportunities and options. Having those options will ensure your child knows how they would want to learn in the future, and so teaching your child to be academically minded will work greatly in their favour.
Here are some ways you can help your child learn to enjoy the academic world.

Read to your child from an early age
Reading should feel fun and exciting - having a book to pick up on a regular basis will give your child the foundations of language. It will also lean into the possibility that reading would be a good hobby for your child. Reading will help your child with their creative skills, cognitive ability and build on their vocabulary.

Establish a good sleeping routine
It may not seem like the highest priority on your mind, but a sleeping pattern does have lasting effects on your child’s memory and academic talents. It also reduces the amount of stress your child will have, as they won’t be as moody or overwhelmed by the day if they get at least 8 hours of rest.

Use lots of different brain exercises
Using riddles, brain games, and board games will give your child a better chance to develop their critical thinking skills. These are great to have on standby when you and your child are going on a long trip together and need something to distract them with for a while. You could also buy word search books, add sudoku games to your phone for them to try out, or play games like I Spy in the car.

Make time to explore
Heading out into the great outdoors is going to make children feel a lot more connected with the world. It’s also a great backdrop to talk about whatever comes to mind; your child could feel more comfortable asking open questions to you and talking about the world. All of these greatly boost a child’s knowledge and creativity.

Grammar shouldn’t feel like a chore, but it can be for children when they feel they aren’t getting the best out of their English language learning and development. It is unfortunately a core part of what your child should be learning on a regular basis, and will help them work on other areas of study.

To make things more fun in terms of grammar skills, here are some methods you could try out.

Use songs and rhymes
The I before E song is infamous for this reason, and it is one example of what your child can remember for many years to come. If it’s something that’s repeated over and over it’s going to stick in a child’s mind which is why it’s so important to keep up with songs and rhymes. You can buy books to pick up new songs, or follow along to videos and playlists online.

Use a reward scheme
Having a reward ready for each time a child improves is a good incentive for children. And it helps your child know how far they’ve come with their skills. If your child isn’t feeling as motivated to do their grammar homework, for instance, you could show your child the prospect of having something to look forward to after it’s done.

Read lots of grammar-based books
Learning books are designed to get children thinking, which is why it will help massively if your child picks them up. Having a good sense of where your child can improve will come through in picture books and stories. Other books can teach your child where to spot mistakes, or find new ways to write sentences. Reading in itself will also help your child with their grammar development.

Grammar is going to be an important aspect when your child begins to write essays, has to get involved in healthy debates, and for their own development of the English Language. Lean into it often, and switch things up from time to time to keep your child interested, especially when they find grammar a tedious skill to keep up.

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