How to Be More Involved in Your Child's Education*

It’s nice to know what your child’s been up to throughout the day, especially as you’ve not seen them for most of it. Paying an interest can help you to strengthen your relationship and show them that you care about them and their education. It also allows you to be a hands-on parent and take charge of their learning. You can identify whether they’re struggling and look for help. The research doesn’t argue with this either as children whose parents play an active role in their education perform better at school. If you would like ideas on how you can be more involved, take a look at the ones below from a private school in Harrow.

Help with Homework
Homework supports school work as it makes sure that children practice what they’ve been taught at school and familiarise themselves with the new content. It also gives teachers an indication as to whether their students need further support. Some children fail to get this done which puts them at a disadvantage. This can be because of confusion on what they’ve been asked or a lack of motivation. By sitting with your child while they do their homework, you can make sure that it’s completed and help them to understand what they need to do so they are not just sitting there stuck.

Have Your Say
Another is to be an active voice in the parent community. Schools value parents and their ideas which is why many have a PTA - parent teacher association. You can voice your concerns and directly influence the quality of education that your child receives.

Look Up the Curriculum
School seems like so long ago. The curriculum has seen some changes since and by looking into it, you will have a better idea as to what your child is doing at school and where they may need help.

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