How to support your child’s fine motor development*

The majority of your child's daily activities such as eating, writing and even getting dressed, require a lot of control of the small muscles in their hands. These are also known as fine motor skills. When your child is given the opportunity to practice these skills and strengthen this muscle, they will be able to do a lot more things independently. The good news is, there are many activities that can help improve fine motor skills, preparing your child for the future of advancing onto others, such as tying laces or using a computer mouse. Below is a guide advised by this senior school in Cambridgeshire, that discusses how to support your child’s fine motor development.

Research has shown that children who take part in physical activity, both at school and at home, show better improvement when it comes to their fine motor skills. Some of the easiest ways to get your little one moving is by encouraging them to complete activities such as dancing to their favourite songs or even take part in video games that promote it. Other simple methods can be by playing Simon Says, which encourages your child to mimic your movements and challenge their fine motor skills in an engaging way.

The completion of artistic activities is a great way to help your child develop their fine motor skills in a playful format. An activity that can be completed at home is finger painting which will encourage your little one to explore different ways to use their fingers and hands.

Reduce screen time
Whilst there are many activities that can be added to help with your child’s development, research has shown that reducing the amount of screen time your child has, positively effects your child’s ability to strengthen their fine motor skills. Young children should spend very little time in front of screens and instead, be encouraged to stay active and have scheduled screen time.

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