Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

As a parent, you’ve probably heard the term “STEM” quite a lot, in reference to your child’s learning and development. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths, and encompasses all subjects that fall under that umbrella. With that said, there’s no wonder that STEM learning is a crucial part of your child’s overall academic development, and can help them secure a great job in the future. Below, a prep school in Richmond share some of the ways you can explore STEM subjects with your child at home.

Show Them Your Car
Next time you pop the bonnet of your car to top up the washer fluid or engine oil, call your child over to show them the engine. Explain what’s involved in making a car run and perhaps take it one step further to discuss the environmental benefits of moving to an electric vehicle in the future.

Bake Together
Believe it or not, as well as being super fun and rewarding, baking with your child is a great STEM-based activity. It involves science and maths, especially when you’re measuring and mixing ingredients.

Explore the Great Outdoors
Whether you spend time in the garden or wandering through the woods, spending time outdoors is great for your child’s learning. Perhaps you could build a bird feeder or a bug hotel and observe the living things that pay a visit to your property. When you’re out walking, talk about what species of birds and trees you come across on your travels.

Introduce Water Play
This is a great one for younger children and will encourage them to experiment. Either during bath time or if you’re lucky enough to have a paddling pool in the garden, take some different (safe) items along and ask your child if they think things will sink or float.

These are just a few suggestions to get you started and there are lots of other options depending on your child’s age. You could try some science experiments at home, encourage your child to have coding lessons, or invest in a telescope to encourage an interest in space. The opportunities are endless when it comes to STEM learning.

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